Thursday, January 21, 2010

Am I missing Motherland?

"Grass is always greener on the other side". This holds good for my current situation.
Life is too short. Should I spend it in a foreign country longing for the love of near and dear ones in motherland ,missing the feeling of living in a own house?
Well the answer is, definitely not ,except that I consider this as an oppurtunity to appreciate creation of God!
My kid misses the love and affection of his grandparents and cousins. Little enjoyments like gully cricket, travelling in bus,auto and train are definitely missed by my son.
Having caring friends ,sooths the pain where electronic gadgets have become the alternative to friend,philosopher and guide.
Do we need so much challenges in life,that makes us move away from the place of origin? Opinions vary. For me being with husband and kid is more enchanting than anything else in this world.
I was once asked by a guruji, if I enjoy being in a foreign land. In a spiritual mood I could not think of the emotional attachment towards the mother land but was reminded of the chance that I got to wonder the creation of God. What could be a justified answer? I still wonder!!!
My emotionless mind's answer is that I am happy in this country. But my emotional mind says that this happiness is only a mirage.
Perhaps I would ask what could be the perfect answer to the same guruji , if I get a chance to meet again.


Hariharan said...

That is what is the irony of life ... sometimes there are no answers to life's questions ...

One has to just do what one feels right in the situation that one is ... One can take a choice at that point and after that it would result in one going through a good/difficult life ahead ... but I feel that once you have made that choice its only wise to take it to completion (Keep doing your Karma) and then eventually you would be better off ...

If today you feel you are ok being here, that is fine... And finally one day you may feel that time spent here is enough and then you would call it quits and go back India ... So till that feeling comes from within you ... you are doing good !! :)

Enjoy your stay here and yes as you rightly said .. "this IS an oppurtunity to appreciate creation of God!" ... And you are doing well there as well !! :)

Unknown said...

hheheh.well the feelin we get wen we can say tht the land we stand on is mine so i stand on it, is different from sayin tht the im payin for this land, therefore i have all the rights to stand here! yeh lyf goes on n so do we!...itz only wise to b a roman wen in rome! u said...take evrythin as a oppurtunety n luk @ it from +ve side!..den u'll b able to satisfied!

Vish said...

On a lighter note... Nothing ROCKS like India for us ....!!!

Poornima Srinath said...

@vishwa...I think for me its only Chennai that rocks!!! caz' I had the same feeling even when I was in India but out of Chennai..

Divya Aravind said...

I think it is not the country of origin that matters...even if ur in the desert or an alien land wht matters is 'Are u with ur loved ones?'U will have the same feelings even if ur in india and has nobody to welcome u...